2024 American Academy of Religion
CLICK HERE to view the CRCs Schedule of Sponsored Activities at the 2024 American Academy of Religion Conference in San Diego, CA in November
It’s that time again! This year, the Religion and Cities Unit is calling for single paper, roundtable, or panel proposals that analyze the interactive relationship between religion and urban environments. We are particularly interested in those exploring the following topics: architecture and infrastructure; scholar-practitioner collaborations; violence and non violence at the southern border and religion and violence in the city. For our online session, we are interested in papers and proposals exploring 'emergent scholarly practice in local urban religion'. Please visit http://tinyurl.com/religioncities2024 for further details. We have attached a (shareable) electronic flier to this email. Please share within your networks, including college students, faculty, and practitioners!
Best wishes,
Fatimah Fanusie & Edward Dunar
Co-Chairs, Religion and Cities Unit