CRC Summer Research Grants

Aerial view of the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City and 7.5 million Pilgrims (Photo: featured in The Yucatan Times

Aerial view of the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City and 7.5 million Pilgrims (Photo: featured in The Yucatan Times


2025 CRC Summer Research Grant Applications

Updated Research Grant Application Deadline: February 14, 2025

To fulfill its commitment to help advance research on Religion and Cities, the Center for Religion and Cities (CRC) will grant one award of up to $5,000 for use in the summer, May-August of 2025 along with project management support if requested. The project award will be selected by the CRC Advisory Board in February of 2025. 

Proposed research projects can be either collaborative or individual and the funds are intended to advance the project's goals. Preference will be given to proposals that include work with a community partner (e.g. 501(c)(3). Potential uses include: travel to archives and libraries, field work, summer research stipends, honoraria for community partners, and other such activities aimed at producing print and digital peer reviewed articles, book chapters, documentary films, pedagogical tools, and other media intended for scholarship and public engagement. The jury will take into consideration the impact the funds can have on the project.

Congratulations to the 2023 CRC Summer Research Grant Recipients:

Nicole Carroll, PhD student in Religious Studies at Stanford University
“Long Stand the House John Africa Built: Zoning Laws, Sacred Space, and the 1978 MOVE Raid”

Teresa Leslie, An anthropologist who worked nationally and internationally in the field of public health | “Innovating Black Agrarianism”

Since our founding, the CRC Summer Research Grant program has helped to promote scholarly engagements with religion and the city through support for individual and small group research that is either Baltimore or broad based.

This year, the center will award one grant up to $4,000 for a project focused on religion in Baltimore; and at least one grant up to $4,000 for a project focused on any particular city or multiple cities, on broad phenomena regarding cities, or on 'religion' and 'the city' as theoretical concepts.

The 2023 CRC Summer Research Grant application will open on February 20, 2023, and will close on April 1, 2023. Awardees will be announced on May 1, 2023.

2023 Grant application:

Congratulations to the 2022 CRC Summer Research Grant Recipients:

Max Johnson Dugan, PhD candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at UPenn
“Terrains of Halal Consumption: Urban Planning, Diaspora, and Islamic Tradition in Philadelphia”

Dr. Kate DeConinck, Professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego
“Faith-Based Approaches to Building Affordable Housing in San Diego: A Comparative Project”

Lisette Abdiruhman, PhD candidate in the Department of History at Morgan State University “Black Women and Early Islamic Communities in the United States, 1920-1950”

Congratulations to the 2021 CSRC Summer Research Grant Recipients:

Jonathan Calvillo, Assistant Professor of Sociology of Religion, Boston University School of Theology
“Hip Hop Latinxs and the Sacralization of the City: Race, Place, and Religion in Los Angeles Hip Hop"

Dr. Kirsten Wesselhoeft, Assistant Professor of Religion, Vassar College
"The Shifting Spiritual Geography of Muslim Paris"

Madeline Gambino, PHD Candidate, Department of Religion, Princeton University
"Just and Grave Causes: Decline as Religious Change in Catholic Philadelphia”

Rasheed El Shabazz, Master of City Planning, Class of 2021, UC Berkeley, College of Environmental Design
Richmond Muslims: City of Peace and Purpose

Safiyah Cheatam, Master of Fine Arts, Intermedia and Digital Art, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Hope Willis, Bachelor of Arts, History (MENA Region concentration), University of Maryland, College Park
“Kufis & Pepperoni Pizza”

Congratulations to the 2020 CSRC Summer Research Grant Recipients:

Christy Randazzo, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Religion, Montclair State University
“Rooting in “Place”: Exploring the Theology and Methods of Religious Reconciliation Efforts in Baltimore City​”

Jorden Sharick, Ph.D. candidate at Harvard Divinity School
Stories of the Reconciled: New Monasticism, Progressive Evangelicalism, and Legacies of Whiteness

Linda Noonan-Ngwane, Ph.D. candidate at United Lutheran Seminary
Organizing Beloved Community: Clergy, Race, and Power in Philadelphia

Paola Pascual- Ferrá, Associate Professor at Loyola University Maryland
When Voting Becomes an Act of Faith: How Faith Communities Mobilize Citizens in Baltimore City to Get Out the Vote

Congratulations to the 2019 CSRC Summer Research Grant Recipients:

Maria Cecilia Ulrickson, Assistant Professor at Morgan State University
The Afro-Catholics Who Built the Modern Church and Nation, Nineteenth-Century Baltimore and Haiti

Abel R. Gomez, Ph.D. candidate at Syracuse University
Sacred Sites, Ceremony, and Belonging in Ohlone Territory: A Case Study of Indigenous Survival

Andrew Gardner, Ph.D. candidate at Florida State University
The Peculiar Advantages of a Seminary in a City

Daisy Vargas, Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona
Healing Histories: Mapping the histories of botanicas and urban re-development in Los Angeles