

We’re excited to invite and share with you a few of our upcoming and recorded webinars with you here. Please visit this page again in the future for regular updates, sign up for our newsletter below, and reach out if you’d like to connect or have any questions at: info@ReligionAndCities.org

Religion, Cities and Infrastructure

Date & Time: Sep 26 at 11am-1pm EST
Panelists: Michelle Bostic, Rebecca Potts, Lisa Beyeler-Yvarra
Moderator: Harold D. Morales

In 2022, the Center for Religion and Cities received a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to explore the health of social/organizational infrastructures. This webinar considers religion as an infrastructural project. Infrastructures constitute the media that organize everyday life and the physical objects and technologies that make up our world. The participants in this panel discuss the various ways religions materialize as the nebulous architectures and formal networks that create urban landscapes and are created, in turn, by the spaces they inhabit.

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/religion-cities-and-infrastructure-tickets-1013875257187?aff=oddtdtcreator