Day of the Dead Celebration @Morgan | Oct 31-Nov 2, 2020


Los días de los muertos or “days of the dead” is an annual celebration held from Oct 31 - Nov 2 in Mexico and throughout Latin America that makes space for honoring our loved ones who have passed. We invite you to join the celebration of loved ones who have passed, to resist the erasure of our ancestors, and to offer a critique of racial oppression.

Use the #OurBearOfrenda to have your photo ofrenda included in the exhibit
Other #DayOfTheDead Instagram Posts

Oct 30, 1-3pm | FILM
we will host a screening of the 2019 film La Llorona

Oct 31, 11am | Creative Alliance Live Facebook Event

Murphy Fine Arts, Outdoor Wall of the Concert Hall
2201 Argonne Dr, Baltimore, MD 21218


Share a PHOTO of a loved one who has passed, including those who have died from COVID-19 or from discriminatory policing. The image should be a celebration of their lives and can be photo of the person and/or of the things they loved (e.g. a special food, drink, art, sport, etc.). Photos can be in their original form, you can ask us to apply a Day of the Dead frame, or if you’re feeling especially creative - consider designing a digital poster to celebrate their lives. You can submit images for the Instagram Exhibit on October 29, for the Projection onto the Murphy Fine Arts Building on November 2, or both. We invite you to join the celebration by of loved ones who have passed by submitting a photo here and answering a few questions.